Speech Morphing – Chief Scientist
Expert Witness in speech, language technology, mobile devices
Kextil – Co-CTO
Personics – Technical Advisor
Sensory – Technical Advisory Board
IDIAP – Technical Advisory Board
IDA/CCR-P – Consultant
International Computer Science Institute (ICSI)
Previous Engangements:
Yap Incorperated – Technical Advisory Board
Cases in which I was named as an expert:
- Sorenson Communications and Caption Call in Civil Action No 3:14-CV-66-BBC. Wrote invalidity report for Sorenson/Caption Call. Settled by summary judgment.
- Motorola Mobility vs Apple, Consolidated Cases 1:10-cv-23580-RNS and 1:12-cv-20271-RNS. Wrote and submitted invalidity report for Apple. Settled.
- Schwarts, et al. v. The Village Center Community Development District, et al. Case 5:12-CV0177-MMH-TBS. This is a suit under the American Disabilities Act, and I am defending Village Center et al. The initial expert report has been written and submitted to the court.
- Allvoice Developments US, LLC v. Microsoft Corp., Case 2:10-cv-02102-RAJ – Settled by Summary Judgment of Non-Infringement. 2010 – 2013. I wrote the invalidity report on behalf of Microsoft, and it was delivered to the court prior to the summary judgment.
- Nuance Communications, Inc v. Vlingo Corp, Case 09-11414-RWZ – settled by jury trial. I wrote both the non-infringement and invalidity reports, and testified during trial on the behalf of Vlingo. The jury found Vlingo not guilty of infringement on all 30 counts by unanimous decision.
- Nuance Communications Inc. v. Voice Signal Technologies, Inc, Case 1:07-CV-10363. 1994 – 1996. I was deposed as the CTO of Voice Signal in this case. The case was dismissed when Nuance bought Voice Signal.